Article / Case Report
HolisticCenter, 13 Haupt St., Abtwil 9030, Switzerland.
Manfred Doepp,
13 Haupt St., Abtwil 9030,
14 November 2024 ; 30 November 2024
We often find that we are alienated from ourselves and therefore live unconsciously. However, this is unworthy of Homo sapiens sapiens. (Harari et al., 2021) A narrowed or even closed consciousness causes problems, both for the individual and for humanity. There are ways to recognize and develop in this respect. These are shown. It also emerges that consciousness is not produced by the brain, but is received via microtubules from a source in the universal quantum field where our consciousness is located.
Consciousness, Unconscious, development of consciousness, health, quantum field.
A frequent and important diagnosis that doctors can make today is that of self-alienation, alienation from one’s own self. Why do we often feel so far away from ourselves? Or to put it another way: when was the last time we caught ourselves saying: “If I have this or that, then I’ll finally feel good”. And how often have we perhaps said this sentence only to realize afterwards that we didn’t feel any different than before? This is probably because we tend to confuse our real needs with what we have been trained to feel. For example: you long for more money, but it’s actually about feeling safe and secure. You long for a perfect partner, but you actually long for the feeling of unconditional love.
What is always striking is that children’s voices are suppressed. Whether through reprimand or through disregard. (Maier, 2024) In the end, however, both lead to the same result: we become conformist adults who no longer know their own needs because they have swallowed them too often. And often no longer even know that this is the case. Or, of course, the opposite: people who hurt others with their words because they believe this is the only way to finally be heard.
In the end, we are these adults who have experienced in one way or another how we should not use our voice (and therefore the mouthpiece of our soul) if we want to be accepted. But: our true, authentic, original voice is important to us. It has the power to release emotional tensions and even traumas within us (or to prevent them from arising).
As one can see, the voice is important for survival. For everyone. Whatever happens to us in this moment, if we let it flow through free expression, it has no chance of settling in the long term. The voice helps us to bring emotions into flow and thus back into our natural state of living in the moment, the eternal now.
Children know this intuitively before they learn that there are “socially accepted” paths to follow. Paths, however, that lead us away from our needs and towards a life determined by others, in which everything seems to be suitable, except for ourselves. Ways in which we begin to tie our happiness to external conditions, requirements or consumption because we have forgotten to listen to our true, inner needs.
If we analyze our present with sharp criteria, we can see that there is a spiritual war for our souls. Let us take a closer look at what is raging in the background here on earth and is gradually entering its final phase. The agenda of transhumanism is only the tip of a development that wants to bring about the continuation and cementing of materialism in our consciousness. (Museum, 2022) We are therefore also looking at the steps that have led us as spiritual beings into the materialism trap (a mental prison of lies) and will continue to keep us there if we do not recognize them.
The so-called awakening process, which serves to break out of this mental prison of consciousness, takes place in several phases. These phases sensitize us to the inner processes that are important in the awakening of consciousness or the second “coming of age” and the important learning tasks that the current cultural and temporal epoch has in store for us if we want to emerge from the state of an unconscious and externally determined life. What are the assertions or tricks of those forces that do not want to let us come into our authenticity and sovereignty? Let’s take a look at them.
Assertion 1 : We are not eternally living spiritual beings, but we are our bodies. The matter of the organism and its satisfaction are all that matters.
Assertion 2 : There is only this one life, no others. Before and after is emptiness. Our genes determine life. We do not have free will.
Assertion 3 : The meaning of life is consumption, be it information, social media, drugs, screens, electronic smog, distractions, intellectual gratification instead of feelings. We become addicted to it. Our brain enters a state of “switching”. (Doepp, 2015; Doepp, 2013).
Assertion 4 : Our food should have been produced industrially. We are alienated from nature and its food. We treat the resulting degeneration with injections and implants: appearance instead of reality.
Assertion 5 : The walls of our mental prisons are perfect: everything is fine as it is. The media bring us the truth, the politicians have our best interests at heart. Our democracies enable the control of power. Courts judge fairly.
Assertion 6 : Taxes, levies, interest payments etc. are in our interest. The increasing shortages and the division into a few rich and many poor must be accepted.
Assertion 7 : The thought patterns, beliefs and convictions acquired in childhood and adolescence are internalized and correct. Lateral thinkers are accused and punished. Intuition and inspiration are only permitted in the context of artistic activity.
Assertion 8 : It is good if children cannot meet the requirements of the school or school system and experience failure. No society can exist without adaptation. Victims should identify and show solidarity with perpetrators. Churches and religions serve to reassure the population.
Assertion 9 : Our problems will be solved by artificial intelligence, genetic manipulation and transhumanism. The fundamental deficits of humans can be overcome with the help of chips, computers and robots. There is no transcendence.
These assertions are of course meant ironically and have no relation to reality. They belong to the spectrum of absurd theater. However, according to the quality of time and the timelines, every era has its own issues that need to be dealt with and resolved. So we will now try to show a way out of this situation and into a new beginning. The sequence is usually as follows:
Situation 1: A shocking experience, a shake-up of the world view.
Situation 2: Amazement, astonishment, indignation, falling out of all clouds, frustration.
Situation 3: Crossroads: can I reconcile this with myself or not? Do I want to stay in the familiar?
Situation 4: Cognitive dissonance: that can’t be true.
Situation 5: Valley of tears, pain: am I living a lie, am I being manipulated?
Situation 6: Accepting reality as it actually is, including all background information. Dissolution of illusions, repressions and blame.
Situation 7: Taking responsibility for one’s own life, “new birth” or second “coming of age”.
An openness arises, coupled with curiosity and observation, but without judgment/conviction and classifying/devaluation. The constant changes in our reality (“panta rhei”) are affirmed, there is no longer any insistence on statics or even rigidity. (Spektrum).
In this way, consciousness can be raised and expanded. In the following, we would like to make a few observations about consciousness. Karl Marx wrote: “Being determines consciousness”. (Museum, 2022) This is correct if we are dealing with a low-vibrating, narrowed consciousness, because the high determines the low, not the other way around. It is therefore correct that consciousness determines being, provided that consciousness has reached a sufficient level.
Where can consciousness be localized? One tends to say that it is produced in the brain. “As a neurosurgeon, I was taught that the brain produces consciousness,” said Alexander Eben, writing about his experiences in a coma. (Alexander, 2015) But the brain may not be a prerequisite for consciousness.
One example of this is the research of John Lorber, a neurologist at the University of Sheffield. (Lewin, 1980) He examined the data of more than 600 children suffering from hydrocephalus. His results were astonishing: of the 60 or so children with the most severe form of the disease and pronounced brain shrinkage, half had an IQ of over 100 and led a completely normal life. The brain of a mathematical genius was only 1 millimeter thick, while that of an average person is normally 4.5 centimeters thick.
“To really understand consciousness, it’s not enough to just focus on neurons,” explains Stuart Hameroff, director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona. (Hameroff, 2022) Hameroff suspects that microtubules are more important: They could be information transmitters in neurons. (Kalra et al., 2023) He suspects that microtubules play a key role in human consciousness.
Hameroff: “If you look inside neurons, you see all these microtubules, which are located in a periodic lattice that is perfect for information processing and oscillations”. Because of their properties, microtubules function like antennae. Hameroff says that they serve as “quantum devices” to transmit consciousness from a quantum dimension. (Sanguinetti et al., 2020; Craddock et al., 2014).
The British physicist Roger Penrose developed a fascinating theory together with Hameroff. Their hypothesis states that quantum processes in the microtubules could generate consciousness. What does this mean? Quanta are the smallest known units at the transition from energy to matter. (Penrose, 2024) Penrose and Hameroff hypothesize that microtubules, tiny tubes in our cells, act as a kind of bridge. These structures pick up quantum signals, amplify them and convert them into feelings, perceptions and thoughts through unknown processes. This is how consciousness is supposed to arise. (Hameroff et al., 2012).
According to this, our brain could act as a kind of information processor: it receives signals from the universe and processes them to generate consciousness. The microtubules in the neurons vibrate in the megahertz range, and at the smallest quantum scale, frequencies of up to 10^43 Hz are theoretically possible. (Schmieke, 2023) “The brain is not a simple computer made up of neurons, but rather a quantum orchestra,” explains Hameroff. “There are resonances, harmonies and solutions across different frequencies – similar to music. That’s why I believe that consciousness has more to do with music than with thinking and calculations.” (Schmieke, 2023).
One cannot reach a goal in this consideration without recognizing the existence of information fields in the form of quantum fields. Every entity in the universe has a quantum field assigned to it, in which all information has been stored since the beginning. (Zeilinger, 2005) The coding of the current status of the individual consciousness is done with colors/images and sounds/music and is immediately recognizable for spiritual beings. This is where all consciousness processes primarily take place. They are transferred from there to microtubules in the brain via quantum entanglement, correlation and teleportation. The brain works as an antenna and processor, not as a producer. It is therefore quite possible to develop consciousness upwards with the help of thoughts, feelings, words and actions as described in the text. Consciousness also exists without a brain, but a brain without consciousness is only temporary. One purpose of life is to raise our consciousness and develop it upwards.
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