Journal of Addictive Disorders and Mental Health is an open access comprehensive peer revied journal. The journal focuses on mental health issues and addictive disorders such as depression, anxiety, bipolar illness, schizophrenia, autism, post-traumatic stress, psychoactive drugs, substance abuse, sexual addiction, alcohol addiction, and other related topics and its treatments.

Mental health is a phase of psychological well-being or an absence of mental illness. It is a level where an individual showcases a satisfactory level of behavior and emotional adjustments. The cultural difference, subjective assessments, and competing professional theories affect mental health definitions.

Mental health involves subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, emotional potential, and intergenerational dependence. And it affects individuals’ ability to balance life activities.

Long-lasting sadness or irritability, constant mood swings, extreme fear or anxiety, and ongoing changes in sleeping and eating habits are some of the symptoms of mental illness.

Addictive disorders are caused due to factors like genetic vulnerability, environmental stress, psychiatric problems, and social pressures. The addictive substance, when consumed, changes the brain’s ability to send and receive chemical called neurotransmitter that caused the pleasure.

Addictive disorders like substance abuse and dependence are caused due to the overuse of certain drugs and alcohol. The addictive disorders are relapsing and chronic illness developed over time.

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