Findings revealed that the highest percentage (40% ) housewives were in the age group 31-40 years. It was also found that the highest percentage (92.5%) of the housewives were Hindu. The majority (42.5%) of the housewives educational qualification is primary. The majority (52.5%) of the housewives belongs to non-vegetarian.
The results revealed that the knowledge scores of the housewives were in pre test majority of the housewives 39 (97.5%) had poor knowledge where as, in post test 29(72.5%) of housewives excellent knowledge and 11(27.5%) had good knowledge. These scores revealed that majority of the housewives are good and excellent. Structured teaching programme administration was effective to enhance the knowledge of subjects on health promotional activities.
Item wise comparison showed that there is effectiveness of health promotional activities in increasing knowledge of the housewives. Highly significant difference was found between pre and post test knowledge scores.
The gain in knowledge score was statistically significant at p = 0.05 and calculated paired ‘t’=3.24. The need for improving the level of housewives knowledge was widely recognized. There is a felt need for the improving knowledge of housewives regarding health promotional activities.
Demographic Veriable, Structured Teaching Programme, Health Promotional Activity, sedentary lifestyle