Dr. Megha Bahal1*, Avishi Syal2, Vani Kohli3, Guntas Girn3, Ramneek Kaur2 and Navneet Kaur4

Cemento-osseous dysplasia is a benign, fibro-osseous lesion that primarily affects the jaws. This case report aims to describe the clinical and radiographic features, as well as the management of a patient diagnosed with cement-osseous dysplasia. Its etiology is not fully understood, but possibly it is related to an unusual bone and cementum response to some local factor. The lesions were predominantly located in the posterior mandible and exhibited a characteristic “cotton-wool” appearance.1 Due to the asymptomatic nature of the lesions and absence of complications such as infection or bone resorption, conservative management was chosen.

Keywords: Cementosseous, dysplastic, benign, Hypercementosis, Radiopaque, curettage

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