Ali Huwaishel Al-Shuaili

Historically, this has been a question that is asked when comparing humans with other animals. The classical answer (from Aristotle, via the Scholastics) is to view humans as ‘rational animals’, animals that think. Nowadays, search engines play significant roles in humans technologically enabled lives by shaping how they conceptualize and interact with information and knowledge. The release and rapid diffusion of Generative Pre-Trainer Transformer (ChatGPT) have caught the attention of educators worldwide. Some educators are enthusiastic about its potential to support learning. Others are concerned about how it might circumvent learning opportunities or contribute to misinformation. (Futterer et al., 2023). This study is examining the ability of generative AI (ChatGPT) in developing generative thinking skills among 10th Omani graders. Through a quasi- experimental design, where the sample (N=58) has split up into an experimental group (N=29) taught by AI-based teaching using ChatGPT, and a control group (N=29) taught using the conventional way of teaching, results showed a statistically significant difference at the significance level (α ≤ 0.05) between the means of the experimental and control groups in the post-testing of the generative thinking skills test in favor of the experimental group.

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Citation: Al-Shuaili, A. H. (2025). Comparing the Quality of Humans and Chatgpt Instruction on Students’ Generative Thinking. J Psychol Neurosci; 7(1):1-7. DOI :