Philip Ganesh Moorthy R1, Dr Arun Murugan S2, Dr K Sathishkumar3*, Pavithra G4 and Dr Uppili Venkat Ragavan M5

Introduction: Diabetes, a chronic and prevalent disease, not only affects blood sugar levels but also has a profound impact on oral health and dental care. Hence this study was conducted assess the effectiveness of a structured teaching program in improving oral hygiene behaviors.
Methodology: Study design: Quasi-experimental study.

  • Study period: Period of 3 Months after ethical clearance.
  • Site of Study: Government Medical College and Hospital, Omandurar Government Estate, Chennai.
  • Study population: Type 2 Diabetic Patients who are attending Government Medical College and Hospital, Omandurar Government Estate, Chennai.

Results: The study included participants from different age groups, with the majority falling in the 51- 60 years range, and a slightly higher percentage of males. Following the implementation of a structured teaching program, there was a significant improvement in participants’ knowledge, attitude, and practice related to oral hygiene. The intervention resulted in a notable shift from poor knowledge to good knowledge, a decrease in negative attitudes, and an increase in positive attitudes. Although there was an improvement in practice, a majority of participants still fell into the poor practice category.
Conclusion: The findings suggest that tailored educational interventions can effectively address gaps in knowledge, improve attitudes, and enhance practices related to oral hygiene. The study highlights the importance of continuous reinforcement and support to sustain improvements in oral hygiene behaviors.
Keywords: oral hygiene, diabetics, knowledge, attitude, practice

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