András Csókay, MD, PhD1*, Kolos Nagy MS2, István Hudák, MD, PhD1, István Valálik, MD, PhD3, Bertalan Tóth MS4, Gergely Csókay MD4, Bence Trencsényi MD1, Előd Égető MD1 and Bernadett Csókay MS4
There is considerable literature on the harmful effects of distress in medically critical situations. There is just as much literature available on psychological methods aimed at relieving stress. One can make creative and fast decisions without stress much more effectively. We will discuss these acute decisions and investigate them with a scientific approach, attempting to judge the propriety of decisions made in emergencies by medical personnel. We will investigate the results of our contemplative approach to this phenomenon through concrete examples.
Deliberate practice of contemplative behavior daily gives one the ability to quickly retrieve the learned approach, previously studied and experienced in contemplative behavioral practice, during a given procedure. Once the information is retrieved regarding a certain procedure, it can be synthesized with the situation at hand, which allows for the formulation of an enhanced creative option that may increase the possibility of a successful procedure. Thus, the procedure together with the application of the contemplative approach could be acknowledged as a real innovative treatment after gaining scientific approval. This article gives an account of the application of the practiced contemplative approach during a craniopagus, resulting in the success of the procedure.
The article gives an account of three different neurosurgical innovations that were possible with the application of the contemplative approach. These innovations eventually gained wide recognition, applied by many, leading to progress in neurosurgical challenges not conquerable before. The case study we investigate was the separation of a craniopagus in which the engraved spiritual algorithms of the stress-distress situation there because of contemplative practice led to the innovation of surgical techniques responsible for the success of the procedure.
Spiritual silence is a helpful aid, swiftly attainable if the invocation of it is practiced every day. Ensuring the presence of spirituality during the mindful contemplation of procedures results in professional success of emergencies, demonstrated in the case of the neurosurgical separation of a craniopagus. Alongside a strong intellectual understanding of the profession, emphasis on spirituality allows for successful execution.
Keywords : distress situation, craniopagus, conjoined twins, fresh cadaver, contemplation