Siniša Franjić1*, Dario Galić2

Nursing is a vocation whose main task today is to care for the sick and to protect healthy people. The nurse mainly takes care of the patient in the hospital and is a collaborator of the doctor in an effort to cure and recover the patient as soon as possible. The work of an outpatient nurse includes care for health and socially endangered persons, health care and education of patients at home, prevention of diseases and improvement of health in the community, and medical and administrative work with a doctor in the office; the outpatient nurse represent the framework of the patronage service. Traditionally, the work of community nurses has largely been reduced to providing health care or caring for a sick or healthy individual. In contrast to traditional nursing, public health care is increasingly directing nurses to work in the community as a whole and to work with groups of people. This does not mean diminishing the importance of working with individuals and their families, but nurses are increasingly involved in assessing the health needs of individuals and supporting family members and loved ones in developing skills and knowledge to protect their health and help others.

Keywords: Nurse, Nursing, EHR, Informatics, eHealth

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