In the Elle Foundation, Case Study 102, the participant was given a Reward Deficiency Syndrome Symptom Checklist, in which she was asked about her dopamine deficiency symptom experience. The Reward Deficiency Syndrome Questionnaire (RDSQ-29)[1] was administered and the GARS, Genetic Addiction Risk Severity test [2] given in follow up. The GARS determined her predisposition for neurological challenge, in both dopaminergic and serotonergic channels, and her RDS phenotype [3].
In this retrospective, observational study, it is easy to discern the predictive value of the GARS, in 2020 hindsight, to determine predisposition for selective choice of various addictive behavioral paths to boosting dopamine deficiency [4] This participant’s life experience is used to illustrate the new Reward Deficiency Syndrome paradigm, including the therapeutic value of the GARS [5], RDS Solutions for her phenotype (Blum et al., 2011) and RDS Solution Focused Brief Therapy (RDS-SFBT) [6], which is psychological education for overcoming dopamine deficiency, to achieve and maintain dopamine homeostasis [7].