For many years, integrative medicine has tried to provide a more global vision by integrating the different biological and physiological systems of the human body in the management of its dysfunctions. This approach, which appears quite new, allows a throughout integration of the diseases within a patient and no more despite the patient. It will be a question of integrating the patient’s different organs into their body again in order to get to the heart of the problem in a metabolic and structured manner. This approach is quite interesting in urology as well and concerns number of pathologies like prostate, kidney and bladder diseases as well as functional problems. Moreover, certain new areas of concern like androgenic deficiencies as well as erectile dysfunction and ejaculatory problems are in the target of this new approach. It is at this level that integrative and functional medicine takes its place by allowing a global approach to the patient’s problem and by focusing the initial care on the prevention of risk factors and natural and alternative treatments before prescription of chemical molecules.
Keywords: Global Approach, Urological Diseases, Integrative Medicine, Functional Medicine – Prevention – Natural and Alternative Treatments.