Cheryl Ann Alexander1*, Lidong Wang2

Most large enterprises devote time and resources to information and cyber risk security management (ISM). With security management, enterprises must also perform incident responses (IRs) which help to mitigate the destruction that occurs due to cyber-attacks. This risk assessment fosters a quick restoration of digital services. In the hospital, ISM is much more critical as it is necessary to protect patient data, equipment, and pharmaceuticals. The IR should be vigorous enough to guard assets and patient data from a cyber-attack and promptly restore patient care by staff. Most public institutions should be focused on infrastructure safety and protecting IT systems. However, there is a significant lack of sufficient policies, management practices, risk assessments, cyber risk measurement, and systems of data and information security governance (DISG). Cybersecurity depends on a multi-faceted cybersecurity framework, including support and assurance from various stakeholders. A robust and up-to-date security control and trustworthy measurement methods are useful in locating problems, recognizing enhancement opportunities, and modernizing cybersecurity controls to counter cyber-attacks and risks. Quantitative data loss is not often available, making it more feasible to get a qualitative assessment of ordinal values when cyber-attacks occur. Cyber risk models, therefore, are a normal tool, useful for employing order response models to analyze cyber risks. Cyber risk modeling in the hospital is often from the qualitative point of view allowing that cyber risks always keep positive associations based on a developed risk propagation model. Cyber risks are identified and categorized as internal or external cyber risks from malicious actors. Therefore, the hospitals must allocate resources to a strong and vigorous cyber risk program. In this paper, we discuss these issues and provide examples of internal and external cyber risks.

Keywords : Cyber risk measurement, cybersecurity framework, risk assessment, internal cyber risk, external cyber risk, cyber risk model, cyber risk modeling, hospital

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Citation: Alexande, C. A. & Wang, L. (2025). Measuring Internal And External Cyber Risks. J Bio Eng Innov 5(1): 1-6