Florent Pirot*, Claire Lavin

Photons have a rest mass and this means they are submitted to gravity. This is the missing stone in the « tired light » theory that leads to the explanation of the red shift without having to consider an expansion of the universe, that observations disprove more and more every day. A Dyson sphere process is shown and explained not by infrared emissions but by radio waves emitted from it. Light emitted from black holes is redefined with quantum criticities. The half-lives of Bi209 and Te128 are reminded as more proof that the universe has no beginning. Black hole spin is discussed in relation to their activity, elements reminded on star formation and the ripening of space time by gravitational waves explained in detail.

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Citation: F. Pirot & C. Lavin (2025). Tired Light : How it is The Missing Stone in the Infinite Universe with no Beginning. I J T C Physics, 6(1):1-4. DOI : https://doi.org/10.47485/2767-3901.1053