Volume 5, Issue 3
Research Article DOI : doi.org/10.47485/2766-2624.1053
High Quality and Sustainable Development of Soil and water Conservation
Authors: Zhongsheng Guo
Abstract | PDF |
Research Article DOI : doi.org/10.47485/2766-2624.1052
Preliminary Geological Mapping, Petrographic, and Structural Studies of Precambrian Basement Complex Rocks in Part of Chulwe-Matale, South Kivu, DR Congo
Authors: Eliya Mukingi B., Mugisho Buhendwa B., Mupenge M.Parfait* and Bishikwabo Kaningu G.
Abstract | PDF |
Research Article DOI : doi.org/10.47485/2766-2624.1051
Environmental and Human Risk Assessment from Pesticides During Irrigation Practices: A Case of Haik, Amhara, Ethiopia
Authors: Tassew Arega
Abstract | PDF |