In general theory of relativity, Einstein’s field equations relate the geometry of space-time with the distribution of matter within it. These equations were first published by Einstein in the form of a tensor equation which related the local space-time curvature with the local energy and momentum within this space-time. In this article, Einstein’s geometrical field equations interior and exterior to astrophysically real or hypothetical distribution of mass within a spherical geometry were constructed and solved for field whose gravitational potential varies with time, radial distance and polar angle. The exterior solution was obtained using power series. The metric tensors and the solution of the Einstein’s exterior field equations used in this work has only one arbitrary function f(t,r,θ) , and thus put the Einstein’s geometrical theory of gravitation on the same bases with the Newton’s dynamical theory of gravitation. The gravitational scalar potential f(t,r,θ) obtained in this research work to the order of co, c-2 , contains Newton dynamical gravitational scalar potential and post Newtonian additional terms much importance as it can be applied to the study of rotating bodies such as stars. The interior solution was obtained using weak field and slow-motion approximation. The obtained result converges to Newton’s dynamical scalar potential with additional time factor not found in the well-known Newton’s dynamical theory of gravitation which is a profound discovery with the dependency on three arbitrary functions. Our result obeyed the equivalence principle of Physics.
Einstein’s field equation, radial distance, polar angle, Schwarzchild’s metric, gravitation